United in the Fourteen Words--"We must secure the existance of our race and a future for White children", Maryland White Pride seeks to bring together fellow White Marylanders who have pride in their race, culture and heritage. There exists today a blatant double-standard in government, the media and in society, where people of any race, creed, or ethnic group may be proud of who they are with the exception of White people. As members of the dispossessed majority of Maryland, we believe that we have no place in the current system. We are trapped between those that sell us out and bleed us dry on a political level and those that rape, rob, and murder us on a street level. And whereas we do know that Race transcends both the political and street level, we oppose anyone of any race who ruins the future of the decent and hardworking people of our communities.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Young Hispanic population key to futures of Texas and U.S., demographers contend

Texas’ young and rapidly-growing Hispanic population is the key to the state’s long-term growth – and policy makers should find a way to prepare the demographic group to replace older, retiring workers. 

Demographic scientists pitched that conclusion at a presentation and discussion Tuesday in Washington, D.C.
A map of areas where at least 60 percent of infants are non-white (William H. Frey)
The presentation, entitled “Progress 2050: New Ideas for a Diverse America,” was hosted by the liberal think tank Center for American Progress.
The presenters pointed to data obtained from the 2010 Census, which showed a large increase in the Hispanic population, especially among children and a rapidly-aging white population.
The U.S. Census Data showed that:
-New minorities, especially Hispanics, accounted for all U.S. population growth of children under age 18 since 2000.
-While the under-18 non-Hispanic white population declined by over 4 million over the last decade, the Hispanic under-18 population grew by nearly 5 million.
-Only 51 percent of the U.S. population under five years of age is non-Hispanic white, and a quarter of that population is now Hispanic.
-73 percent of the nation’s 50-64 year-old population is white.
Texas is among the states most affected by the changing demographics.
Texas ranks fifth in the nation in the gap between the white share of the under-18 age population and the over-65 age population. Fewer than 40 percent of Texas children are identified as white and in every county in southern Texas, more than 60 percent of infants under one-year-old are non-white.
Demographers William H. Frey, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Dowell Myers, a demography and urban planning professor at the University of Southern California, said American policy makers need to improve education for the growing Hispanic population to help them step into the jobs being vacated by the largely white population that’s approaching retirement age.
“This trend undoubtedly brings some challenges,” said Frey. He cited emergence of s0-called “racial generation gaps:” disconnects between older whites on the verge of retirement and a younger, more diverse population.
“Politically, an age-race divide could create even sharper diversions between candidates and parties that espouse more or less government support for measures benefiting the young, like education and affordable housing, and those befitting the old, like Social Security or Medicare,” Frey said.
Texas has been a battleground for exactly that sort of political divide. Gov. Rick Perry has taken repeated fire from fellow Republican presidential candidates for his support of the Texas DREAM Act that provides in-state tuition for students brought into the country as children by parents who were undocumented immigrants.
Myers said without the rapid infusion of immigrants and their children into the U.S. population, the U.S. would likely fall victim to the same stagnation in economic and population growth found in other industrialized countries such as Japan. The birthrate in Japan is too low to provide enough young workers to sustain the dependant elderly population projected to retire in the coming years.
“It really is a gift. It really is an advantage,” Myers said of the growing young Hispanic population.
Myers said U.S. policy makers need to focus on creating access to education and a path to citizenship for non-citizens among the nation’s young Hispanic population. He said investing in their futures now would lead to increased income tax revenues when they become professionals in a few years.
“These children are very expensive,” Myers said, “but they pay off down the road.”
Randy Capps, a demographer at the non-partisan Washington-based think tank Migration Policy Institute, said policy makers don’t necessarily need to choose between an expensive social welfare policy or long-term ruin. Other measures like delaying the retirement age can also help address the problem, Capps said.
The overall health of the economy is key to how the large young Hispanic population will fare in the coming decades, he added.
“Right now the economy is not in great shape for absorbing a lot of new workers,” Capps said. “But the kids will be here whether they’re productive workers or not.”

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